Tips For Easing The Drop-Off Anxieties For First-Time Daycare Attendees

As the new school year begins, you may be preparing for your child's first day in a daycare or preschool situation. While some kids have the confidence and self-esteem to run into these new environments with ease, others find the prospect more challenging and intimidating. If your child is one of those who becomes uneasy or upset in new situations, you may be looking for some strategies to simplify the drop-off process.

Need Child Care For Your Premature Infant? What Are Your Options?

If you've unexpectedly given birth to your first child well before your due date, you may find yourself scrambling to make arrangements and purchase needed items, from covering your work schedule to purchasing extra-small diapers and outfits for your preemie newborn to wear home from the hospital. Even if you've already selected a daycare center or in-home care provider and made a deposit, you may discover that these child care arrangements are no longer suitable for your new baby.

Is Private Or Public School A Better Option For Your Child?

Part of parenting means deciding what type of education you want for your child. Children learn in different ways — and at different paces — so determining whether to send your child to public or private school can be difficult. Unfortunately, there isn't one right answer. In order to make an informed decision, you need to weigh all of your options. Class Size Class size is one of the most important things to consider when choosing a school for your child.

Easy, Effective Marketing To Increase Preschool Enrollment

Preschool is a vital time in a child's life, and parents want to be absolutely certain that they've chosen the best option available for their little one. Whether you own your own child care center or work at a preschool, having a high number of enrolled students is what keeps your business running and profitable. Here are a few marketing tips that can help you improve your enrollment numbers and encourage parents and children to attend your preschool.

3 Ways All Parents Should React To Problems At Preschool

When you are a parent to a preschool-aged child, you want to know that your child is thriving when you leave them at school. However, there may be some times when you become concerned about things going on at school. You may be unhappy with how your child was disciplined in a way you feel was inappropriate. You may have issues with the curriculum if your child is having trouble grasping some of the concepts.