3 Types Of Preschool Programs You Can Enrol Your Child In

It's never too early to start thinking about the type of preschool program you may want to enroll your child in. Although selecting the right program can be challenging, there are many options out there that can make learning fun. This article discusses three types of programs that preschools offer.


Waldorf focuses on the individual child, their interests, and needs. It encourages creativity in craft projects like painting or weaving and learning through play. It incorporates free-flowing art and music into the curriculum and teaches language development and math skills creatively.

Children who attend Waldorf-style preschools often develop an inner enthusiasm for learning and using their talents in creative ways. They are suitable for children who work best with set schedules and are accustomed to a more traditional learning style.


Montessori-style preschools allow children to feel responsible for their learning. They give children more freedom and an opportunity to learn at their own pace in ways appropriate for each child. Kids who go through this program tend to be self-motivated learners with a strong sense of independence.

Montessori preschool programs also focus on developing social skills and creativity in children. The Montessori philosophy holds that each child has an innate sense of curiosity, which should be nurtured by exploring materials within a carefully designed environment. These materials allow teachers to differentiate instruction to benefit all students regardless of age or skill level. There are usually no grades in these types of schools. Instead, emphasis is placed on personal development.


HighScope-style programs are known for their unique curriculum. They focus on the development of a child's social and emotional skills, as well as their personal interests. The program takes an individualized approach to learning through play-based activities that are designed around specific themes. It uses a research-based curriculum to develop self-esteem, problem-solving skills, decision-making abilities, independence, and other essential life lessons at an early age. This style also utilizes repetitive daily routines and activities to help children adapt and feel comfortable in their environment. Teachers interact with the children through playful games, art projects, and music lessons, which allow them to develop a strong bond together.

This program emphasizes four principles: self-directed learning, collaboration among peers, teacher as a facilitator of activities, and child development research. Children are allowed freedom within specific boundaries to explore and discover new ideas without the fear or worry of making mistakes. The staff also works closely with each family to ensure an optimal learning experience outside of school hours. They may offer regular workshops covering various topics related to development, such as nutrition, sleep habits, literacy skills, and many more to parents.

Preschools offer different programs that can benefit your child in various ways. An educator can help you select a program that's suitable for your child's personality and needs.
